Forty acres and a mule, a phrase you used like a tool to make your brother and sisters out of fools.(1/5 human animal and the other not determined).
You know the ones, you used them to plow your field and warm your beds. The ones you set free, only to return them to share cropper slavery.
Instead of giving them money to start a new life, you promised them forty acres, a mule and their wife.
You saw that big sambo smile on your brother’s face, when you promised him a mule and forty acres worth of space.
Cunningly, executing a system of repression and social genocide, to keep them forever imprisoned, forcing them to abide.
Rendering them aloof of their economic ability.
If this were not so profitable, we might would render this as an act of cruelty.
(Slavery wearing the suit of freedom, as indentured servants held captive by rules that were not created to protect them, but ones they must adhere too)
Now let’s get or mission back on track, if we keep them poor they won’t recognize lack.
We will lease them the forty acres and we will let them share crop. (Snicker snicker)
We will sell them the mule for twice price and to be sure, we are paid; we will take our fee off the top.
Hell since most of them can’t’ count we will charge them double twice.
We will encourage them not to stop, by telling them one day they will OWN the whole crop. (Snicker snicker).
We will keep them working in the fields of life both day and night. We will tell em lies about one another, make em fight.
If we don’t give up our plight, we just might be able to convince them our interpretation of slavery is right.
The last thing we need for them to do is develop the will to come together and fight.
If we keep them working hard for that forty acres, they will forget about school. We got to keep them ignorant or we can’t effectively rule.
We don’t need them taking time to read, let’s just keep em Hypnotized by greed. Then we will keep our foot on their backs, scaring their integrity, while profiting from their lack. .
THEM! Reading, a book, na how hell would that make us look. We’ll tell em how good they can dance and cook. But we must be sure we teach them passages from our Good Book! (Big Smile).
Make them think it was their idea, give them shinny things that sparkle and bling. It worked on Shaka and it still works on some of their Queens.
Let them have fun sometimes and sing. But be sure they see us as the image of their heavenly King.
Definitely teach them to submit, or they will question us and start some shit.
And when some young smart ass comes along informed and free teaching them about their history. We will tell em his is their enemy. Then, we will let them nail his ass to a tree.
Listen for this guys he is shrewd you see, telling em pursue their dreams and encouraging them not to quite.
Hell, he will expose all our shit. Telling the truth and educating the youth.
They will write us up in their history books as being cunning and cruel.
Ignore that shit they just pissed off because We Rule.
In reality, they need to be mad at themselves, sitting on stool in the cotton field of life, betraying one another and looking cool.
Trying to blame us because they sat around waiting for forty acres and a Got Damn MULE!
“Promise Kept”
(Spell Conditioned)! (Most of them will ignore that informed brother, the truth is hard to handle when you have been conditioned to believe your oppressor’ interpretation of you is right).
Reparations for humans treated as trained animals by their Masters. NONE!