Hey Yall, just an Opinion. None of us is aptly prepared for the trials of life; most of the time we are trying to find something while we are here anyway. We try to find a soul mate, we try to educate ourselves, we try to find the perfect job and we of course try to find our source. Yes, we try to find the source of our existence. We are explorers, time traveling spirits experiencing a human condition. Earth is just one big hacienda, full of adventures for us. In our quest to escape this mundane existence, we have created fantasies and philosophies, to sooth our spiritual ignorance. It is inevitable however that the next generation will soon remove our myths in order to find a truth that enhances their existence. We search, we conquer, we destroy and then we established cultural beliefs and communities that segregate us in order to establish hierarchies for power and social acceptance. Each strata of social dominance fuels itself by the misfortunes of those who they lord over. It all boils down to one thing here, the more money I have the more respect I deserve. Right ! Most of us never take the time to stop and look at those who have amassed great wealth and even if we do, all we really want to know is how to get it for ourselves. We have been taught to justify the privileged as God’s chosen, so we let them Lord over us. Using financial superiority as poof of divine favor, thereby nullifying the foundation of Love. We have demoted morality to nothing more than a prostitute and her pimp is the human arrogance of self-righteousness. We never stop to look inside because we have been taught that we are evil by nature so of course nothing in us could possibly be good. I think that might be where we fail, for within us I believe, is the DNA of creation, the breath of the Universe, the characteristics of God, so how could we be born with a sinful nature. In truth, we know that a sinful nature is learned condition, taught by example. The human condition is a wonderful state of being, until we start to demand that all of us should be the same. Where does that leave us? Most of us go from day to day, either agreeing with someone else opinion, studying someone else opinion or making assumptions about why people have certain opinions. We know there is something more to our existence but we have been conditioned to believe we should follow traditional practices that no more explain God’s true self than it explains why we are here.
So this little essay is about why I feel the way I do about life. It is a part of my experience, easy to speak of now, because the razor blades of contempt no longer cut through the veins my heart. Remember it is my opinion and you know what they say about them. They are all open for discussion. My deliverer will be my judge. Here is what I have found to be true in my world.
No matter what you do, if you allow other people’s opinions of you to disturb you, you will never really accomplish the most important things in your life. You see once you are able to look past the material things that make us think that we have arrived. You will see that after you have gained all that can be possibly gained in the world system; someone’s opinion will still determine your worth. We fail to realize that people’s opinions of us whether good or bad are based on their worldview. So often times their opinions cannot be used as empirical evidence to direct yourrrrr path. It is easier for me to believe that God’s opinion of me is based on my daily walk with Him/Her (Of course Great Spirit is not gender specific, that too is the opinion of men) rather than my commitment to another man’s vision. What is a walk conducive to the will of God? What does that really mean? I am sure that neither one has anything to do with being obedient to human arrogance. The right car, the right house, the right job, the right associates, all are wonderful to have, but does that really have anything to do with the Creator. If we are to be judged based on our obedience to God and how He views our interaction with our fellow man, then how can anyone of us set ourselves apart from verbal fornication? We divide the house of God while preaching unity. God’s grace and mercy is granted to us daily, so I think that is the reason we were allowed to wake up this morning. It is my opinion that in God’s eyes, we are worth more than any gold or silver so I doubt that filled collections plates is a prerequisite for entrance into heaven. I cannot believe that there is any medium of exchange could determine the path our eternal soul. (Smile). I am sure, God would not cheapen his integrity by placing a price tag on blessings. Based on some religious doctrines, the price for us has already been paid, by the life of Jesus, right. Not to make light of anyone’s belief, but if God allowed us to kill His son so we could be redeemed He wasted His life. We certainly are not benevolent in our actions towards one another, we still steal in the name of God and our temples resemble the same ones that Christ tore apart. We justify our inhumane acts against one another as a form of conversion, while we destroy the spiritual integrity of God for a few dimes. What if we all just took a normative philosophy to life? What would that mean for us? Treat others, as we would want to be treated. You would never harm another person in your life!
Most of us face trials and tribulations with the mindset that we are being given some great divine test of our faith. I think this is just the delusional arrogance of human nature that would prefer to give negative occurrences up to a divine test. Could it be we are the bearers of each other’s trials, and in this attempt at life, we suffer. I try you you try me. That’s right most of the trials we face are self-inflicted by our human condition. The Craving of the humanself is uncompromised in its attempt to feel good. Many of us realize that the only reason we are able to preserver is our undying faith in God and our predesigned destiny. See belief is a powerful affirmation; it is one of the force fields of life. If you believe, you can achieve. Right? It should be just that simple, but roadblocks of religion have side swiped our reality. It is hard to get to a god of reciprocity when you are broke.
Nevertheless, the day I was delivered, I had nothing to give. Everything that I thought God had blessed me with was gone. The self-proclaimed ambassadors of God had tried and convicted me. Who could win such a fight against people who practiced their religiosity and by Royal decree were allowed to Fornicate Under Consent of the King over me. Looking for reason to commit me to their institutions of mental interrogation, while justifying, why they were allowed to steal my wealth. Of course being in a state of total humility gave me an automatic ticket to receive divine protection. God will swope in to save a wounded bird. Prayers from people I did not know, while myself holding on to the umbilical cord of creation, is what keep me. I often wondered though if God was schizophrenic or something, allowing me to be destroyed while delivering me from the hands of my enemy. Being purused by holy whores and judged by their self-righteous indignation has always ended in death for those they have deemed unworthy. (Remember how Jezebel chased down the prophets). Nevertheless, God was the trickster, in my case. Instead of destroying me as my holy enemies bided Him; He restored me and opened my eyes and ears. He prepared me to endure the insults of human ignorance. Yeah, it is ignorance to justify your heinous actions against others by counting down their days of destruction using God’s holy number seven. In seven days your house will fall, in seven days I will occupy it, God will restore you, in Seven days etc. etc. In seven days you will wish you had never laid your hands upon me. As I look through the eyes of my enemy, I understand why some thought I was unnatural. How can a person who has been slow poisoned by conditioning and hexed by the relentless eyes of self- righteousness still be alive. Hmmm (Real Life). But, you see God had me in a four corner room, restoring me to health , as spiritual sages injected me with undying love and faith in my Creator. It is a good thing it happened for me like this. I am one spirit essence who absolutely realizes that there is a God, because no man could have aided me in the middle of limbo hanging on to a string. Not one. Instead, God had perused my heart so he knew I was earnest. Not man but God rescued me!
It would be naive of me to believe that a God who came in the flesh as His Son would not understand the characteristic of the humankind, so maybe that is why I believe forgiveness is so pertinent to our growth. I know that God understands the flesh that is why grace and mercy is upon us daily. But nevertheless I know that Spiritual health will lose to material wealth in the struggle for human existence every time. We have to live. Hell, a rich man who speaks, as a fool will command a larger audience than a poor man who is wise. Just listen. I have learned to listen to the wind, pay attention when a rainbow has been painted in the sky, watch the soaring hawk, and to self-examine before I express my intent. Since I am a creature who had nothing to barter with and God and he delivered me. I am under the impression that God does not require a service fee, in order to set us free. Interesting thought we can all AFFORD freedom. Hmmmm.
I think that maybe God is impressed by our willful obedience to His commandment of Love. But, I live here on earth and here, so often I have witnessed people being promoted because either they are accepted by the privileged or they cowar to the self-righteous babblings of the intellectual and religious elites, who promote moral opinions full of prejudice. Of course , I’d rather God’s promotion. (Big Smile). I try to imagine the ancestors of the privileged righteous (raised eyebrows ^_^) sitting at the feet of archetypical images purged from the minds of primitive men who were on the same journey, as they. Searching for the same answers as us. Forming conclusions, in their delusional consciousness displayed in their secret labyrinths of deceit and uncertainty. While, promoting falsified concepts of righteousness from metaphors, allegories, fables, tales and lies disguised as Divine mandates from God. Ruling the destiny of souls without Divine Authority and corrupting the true essence of Love. ( Pay no attention to me I have no degree of worth in this system, so my word are a moot issue). Anyway, I think these moguls all sat around snickering at the idea that future explorers will follow their instructions as heavenly inspiration.
It would truly be bliss if we could really love each other as we love ourselves, now wouldn’t it. It seems simple enough to do, but in reality, it is complicated for humankind to grasp. I KNOW THAT. The request to love may seem romantic, heroic, foolish, or weak, but in my truth, it is the most powerful spiritual emotion alive. To learn to love I think, is the final destination, for the human condition. Because I do not believe that, one human has not been tempted to hate someone, if not for injury to us, for ignoring us all together. That is where trials and test manifest. No one learns to love just because some religious guru tells him or her to. Maybe we actually learn to love when we are given fair opportunity to hate. Yes, hate, because there is no way you can just love someone who has hurt you. First, we have to practice forgiveness, and then we must come to the realization that sometimes all of us will hurt someone. Some hurts are deliberate and some are out of sheer ignorance. ( Growth) But I do know that when you love God, He will place a stone hedge around you maintained by the edicts of His Love. (This cannot be penetrated by wishful thinking, and your enemy is left looking O_O somewhat confused and aloof). I know this for sure because, I was there cold, and lonely holding on to my sanity by a thread, but a force field of divine protection keep me until I could stand. I realized that my hate was just from a wounded ego. Moreover, once I realized my truth, no human could take authority over my spiritual integrity. So I found it wise for me to ignore the words of self-made demi gods’ spuing their thoughts of spiritual conviction and moral restrictions over my life. You know the kind people who pour their philosophies over you like battery acid, eating away at our consciousness. Deliberately dissolving your attachment to the Universe of Unconditional Love, while forcing you to submit to their dogmas and anything else they make up to control you. (long winded)
Often times I felt like a loser, so I counted myself out before others could. But it was meditation I had while sitting on the Mississippi River levy one day that let me know, God still had me in the race; so I just picked up pace. I did not know where I was going, but did I know that as long as I had breath I had to get up. (Not that I wanted to). There are many vices in the world system that inflicts injury to the concept of love. However, none has been successful in nullifying it. Nothing will ever succeed at destroying Love. I am thankful for that. For it not for Love I would have lost both my feet and hands.
In times to come I believe humankind will grow in love, because more people will learn to love themselves. It is my hopes that instead of people running each other down looking for reasons to criticize each other they will run each down with Love. Oh my! Ain’t that sweet. I hope people will realize that they can experience the freedom of seeking God without having to pay tokens of homage to the egos of men. (Divinely inspired or not).
It is my thirst to crease the boundaries of my existence, so that is why I pay more attention to the nature things, rather than their actions. One is simply the manifest of the other anyway. I can say that Love is the reason that I am alive and Love is the reason that I will continue to live. I know the miracle of Love is what has saved me. And it is because of that Love I will crossover consciously into my next existence. See I may not leave a vault full of financial wealth for my future generations but they will be able to read what was on their great, great, great, great, great etc. grandma’s mind. Love is the reason I will leave these writings for them. I do not want anyone’s opinion to dilute my truth. See old Chrystal is free from self-hate and the obvious pains from a delusional past so I have no need to impress. I am free to accept my truth and I am free to Love you.
Ya see, these are just few thoughts and experiences I had on my road to Gethsemane. (Content included in this Essay is just my opinion and you know what that means; we all have one and they all are up for discussion).
Goodnight and May the Love of God keep you in safe journey as you sleep. Moreover, May the Love of God wake you to a brand New Day!