Monday, August 1, 2011

Glorified Slaves

Land of the free home of the brave. 
You treat your public servants just like slaves. 
That man or woman who runs to a crime scene that is someone‘s mother, father, king or queen. What?  You don’t think they feel anything, when they catch a bullet, you don’t think they scream. 
Land of the free home of the brave, their pay is no better than an indentured slave.
You may as well bury them in a pauper’s grave. 
It does not matter how many lives they save, or how many firefighters  have died from the blaze. Who cares how many EMS workers die from stress.
Hell, the Educators are even paid less, they teach in glorified prisons, afraid to command respect because they cannot afford a bulletproof vest. 
Land of the free home of the brave, you treat all of your public servants just like slaves. 
Come, come see me run, hey why argue with a stressed man or woman wearing a gun. 
Land of the free home of the brave, what makes you think you have won. 
Your troubles have just begun. What happens when you called your public servants and they do not come?
Land of the free home of the brave you treat your public servants no better than glorified slaves.
911 “I have fallen and I can’t get up” Sorry mamm, I don’t have gas in my truck.
911’ “Someone has broken in and shot me in my chest” Sorry mamm I have to wait and borrower a bulletproof vest.
911, Why is my child failing in school, “Sorry mamm they took away our power to rule”
GLORIFIED SLAVES (Next time you vote be sure you read the amendments they wrote).

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