So, what have I truly learned my in years so far, is this:
Unconditional love is more than just a practice it is a consciousness.
It is the ultimate gift from the creator to us; it is the final test of our manifest.
It penetrates the soul existence of all those who experience it and it never leaves.
It is here to develop us and just about the time you get it, is time to leave for your next essence journey.
In truth, it is your part of the divine consciousness of unconditional love that is left and remembered.
It will force you to love those who have harmed you.
It will force you to take time to understand why primitive man still believes killing, and coveting is the way to acquire wealth.
It will capture the heart of the thief and the murderer, and it will throw away weapons of human destruction.
It will move you to enhance rather than tear down.
It will penetrate the unseen force field of people to recognize its existence even if they do not possess it.
Quite frankly, it is the heart of the Universe.
So walk in it, run with so that you can soar with it throughout your infinite eternity.
Reach inside the God that is within you and know that it is always available to you.
But never give up your personality to prove that you are it, because love accepts who you are.
So be just as you are and open your heart to it and it will eventually become you.
Never give in to unconscious men once you have acquired it.
It is your passport to a well-lived eternity of infinite possibilities.
Unconditional Love is the true essence of Creation. Create your own beautiful world by accepting the miracle of Unconditional Love. J You will become a living miracle to all those you meet on your journey.
It may sound easy but I tell you it requires a lifetime of understanding, seeking the infinite knowledge of acceptance by actively reminding yourself that if it were not for unconditional love neither you or any other living being would still be here.
Where as the path of perfection is an eternal quest, unconditional love is perfect and it embraces our imperfections. So I accept my defects and allow Universal correction.
I too have sinned and fallen short, but each time I am forgiven I have one less burden and clearer path towards my destiny.
A Lesson Learned
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