Chrystal Ellis
The only reason people take kindness for weakness is because they do not see those virtues or values in themselves. Chrystal Ellis
The reason people take kindness for weakness is because they can not see those values or virtues in themselves. (Conversation between me and Mom)
Lord Save me from contempt, save me from ego, save me from being self-righteous, save me from prejudice, save me from deceit, save me from corruption, save me from conditioned rituals, save me from everything that does not promote unity, love, truth, health, and the well-being of all those I may encounter. Now continue to impart in me the Universal connection that is in us all and free to us all. See salvation is a reality it is just how you look at it. Chrystal Ellis
Chrystal Ellis
How you worship is your choice, how I chose to connect with God is my choice, so do not think that your way is the only way, their are millions of ways to express God, just be sure to adopt one of them. The only thing most people need to be saved from is self-righteousness. I may not go your way, but I certainly will try Yahweh! Chrystal Ellis.
As I open my arms to let love in, I release everything that does not reflect it. Chrystal Ellis (Morning Affirmation).
Living life through someone else eyes is the same as slavery. Many of us are still living our lives within the slave quarters of social conditioning.The next time you chose to judge people's beliefs, practices, and morality," THINK" who influenced yours. Chrystal Ellis. (Always in the mirror rethinking actions, thoughts and comments).
Chrystal Ellis
Never apologize for being unique. I would rather develop my character than be developed by someone else. Why conform to the methods of people who conformed to the methods of someone , who had no idea they were starting a trend. (They were just being who they are). Do not know about you but I like me.
Chrystal Ellis
So, you think you can criticize how somebody looks huh. Hmm , if you are thin, you could be a functional anorexic or a throw-up specialist, if you are considered exceptionally pretty, it could be the act of surgical manipulation, if you are well dressed it could be you like paying for overpriced junk; but for sure you are disillusioned. Take another look your tits are leaking and your lips have just deflated, your behind is on the back of your knees and your designer clothes are truly overrated. Chrystal Ellis
Some people pretend like they love you, some people say that they love you, some people think that they love you and some people don't know if they love you. So my friend why not LOVE yourself and you will never have to doubt if you are truly being LOVED. Chrystal Ellis (This is from experience).
I refuse to be friends with someone who does not want me to be honest with them. It is a waste of both of our time, you can get anyone to lie to you. C.E
I realize that it is my choice if I let someone cause confusion in my life. To remove negativity all you have to do is invite it out of your life. So say goodbye and mean it. Chrystal Ellis
Deliverance is not something you wait for, it is something strive for and once you get it no one has to lead you to freedom. Chrystal Ellis
If you judge me to be corrupt, it is because you how to be corrupt. If you judge me evil, it is because you recognize the trait in yourself. If you send me to hell is is because you have been conditioned to believe in it. If you say you did it all for the sake of unconditional Love , then you are confused and you have my sympathy. CE.
You know you are healed when you see people who turned against you in your past and you can sincerely greet them with Love. That does not mean becoming their best buddy, it just means that because of love you understand. It feels good to walk away with no malice. (I like that, growth is good)!
In order to tell the truth you must be willing to face the truth and I can tell ya that is not easy sometimes.
If someone enslaves you, conditions you, then oppresses you, would you follow their teachings?
I wish I had dime for every time someone hated on me. OMG, I would be rich, rich, rich. Wish, "God please send me a dollar instead of a dime, I have people I want to help out" C.E.
Before we can overcome anything we must first overcome self hate. C.E.
Never give a negative statement the power to change the path of your destiny, step over them as you excel to your next level. (Simple if it does not enhance your quality of life , then it should not be in your life, right .) Chrystal Ellis.
Why won't people just leave well enough alone, it seems like when you try your best to forgive and let go, someone always feel it necessary to bring up what they THINK might hurt you. When in reality, not only have you forgiven the past but you are running toward a future that does not include them. Human contempt is a terrible thing.
Enemies are never far away, they are phone calls from cousins who barely speak to ya, Aunts and Uncles who pike for their daughters or sons, dating your husband, or just good christian folk justifying why God blessed them with your hard work, no enemies are never far away, next time you are at a family reunion watch your back.
Let my footprints leave healing trails on earth; let my voice echo the sweet sounds of truth and encouragement. Keep me from the perils of human contempt and transform me consciously into the bosom of my creator. For my next journey will take me to the table of sages and oracles of infinite existence at the heart of the universe. Selah! Chrystal Ellis (After meditation)
When two people meet and start a relationship, it is understood they are different individuals. When you change to accommodate the will of your partner, remember that is not the person they meet. Do not be surprised when they end up with someone like you use to be. I will let you be you, but I won't change to what you want, to keep you. Love does not hinder your personality, it enhances it.
Remember when taking the advice of others that it is their worldview and it may not be what you need to get to the next level, consult your inner man please.!! You know how humans are O_O!
Chrystal Ellis
As soon as I opened my eyes I was blessed, always giving God thanks for one more day. Message after meditation "Man tells you to fear God, Spirit tells you how much God loves you" Think I will listen to Spirit. May the Love of God direct you to the truth about God. C.E.
Love is knowing the truth, being able to forgive and strive to deliberately avoid making the same mistakes again. CE
Knowledge is power that is why you must know God for yourself. Realize we are all reflections of God. Whether you are rich, poor, black, white, yellow, brown, or red, God is forever present in you. God does not need to threaten anyone to love Him. God knows your heart. (Men judge you by what they have been taught, leave much up to their ignorance and live our life in peace with your creator.)
If you rely on conditioned people to get you to heaven you will stay in hell. (Message)!. CE.
I am always amazed at people who use God to threaten people. I wonder what God has to say about that. Live how you want, do what you want and if you allow someone to make you believe they are speaking for God, then live how they want.
If God was going to move all people who did not follow the consciousness of love there would be no one on Earth.

Chrystal Ellis
If I do not believe like you it does not mean I will go to Hell. If I do not look like you it does not mean I am less. if I do not eat like you does not mean I am unclean. It should be obvious why. But just in case you are unable to utilize critical thinking methods, I will make it plain. I Am Not YOU. Chrystal Ellis. O_O
If you are wise you will ignore peoples opinions that discourage you, most of them do it because they think they have power to change your course. Be better than them, hear what they say, read what they write and have enough intellect to realize that they have a right to their opinions. Anything else is beneath you. C.E.
Originality may not get you noticed but you will fee better about who you are. C.E.
Don't ya just hate that fake half smile people give ya, because they are too phony to give ya a real one. I would prefer the O_O (blank stare).
A lesson learned: If you become consumed with what your enemy is doing, has done or is planning to do you would inevitably wallow in the stagnant pit of contempt that motivates them. Why not pass them on the wings of grace and stand on the shoulders of mercy; offer them peace and ignore them.
Anytime you let someones' opinion define you, you have given them power to direct you. Think for yourself and follow your own path. Please. Chrystal
Ain't nothing better than being cleared from the infections of the past!
Sometimes it is easier to let someone think what they say really matters. Especially when you are wearing ear plugs.
Chrystal Ellis
No need to steal it I will give it away. No need to destroy it I don't need it you can have it. No need to hate, Love has healed me already
Use forgiveness as the denominator for your past, divide it into the numerator of Love, wala you will find it equals freedom! Chrystal ! I have one more day to be thankful of.
Another Day of Creation. There just ain't nothing better than revelation. It will take me a life time to know myself and another one to reap the benefits of my discoveries. Chrystal Ellis.
If I did not know the Creator for myself, what people have taught me and what I have experienced from those who say they are his, would leave me aloof. The Creator I know, it is humankind that blows the mind.
If you could ever realize that people's negative opinions of your are simply "farts in out of space" you will let those little smelly gases pass you right on by. I know this stinks. lol.
Never give a negative comment a place to rest in your consciousness. Why glorify the efforts of a miserable person. Forget about it. Think of your next conquest.
Embrace being unique! Who wants to be like everyone else? Certainly not me!

Chrystal Ellis
The most amazing discovery one can make is self awareness! Know Thy Self!
" At times when I was all in pieces, had no voice and could only groan, God put me back together and give me a voice of praise" Chrystal Ellis , Much Love
I have never understood jealously, and I never want to either. Chrystal Ellis
Never give a negative statement the power to change the path of your destiny, step over them as you excel to your next level. (Simple if it does not enhance your quality of life , then it should not be in your life, right .) Chrystal Ellis.
Let my footprints leave healing trails on earth; let my voice echo the sweet sounds of truth and encouragement. Keep me from the perils of human contempt and transform me consciously into the bosom of my creator. For my next journey will take me to the table of sages and oracles of infinite existence at the heart of the universe. Selah! Chrystal Ellis (After meditation)
Loving you because you are my color is the same as hating you because you are of a different color, both lead to bias opinions and prejudices. Neither one develops spiritual integrity. Chrystal Ellis
Chrystal Ellis
Sing out of tune, walk a little off balance and enjoy every minute of it.
Deliberately find a reason to lift someone up! Chrystal Ellis
Daily self reflection, helps develop tolerance of others. Hmmmm Chrystal Ellis
There is positively no reason at all not to have a positive outlook anything else would be a big negative. :) I love me.
Anytime you let someones' opinion define you, you have given them power to direct you. Think for yourself and follow your own path. Please. Chrystal
Wake up, get up, step out, be heard. Live life, relive, forgive, touch God and never quite. As long as you have breath, GET UP!!
Another Day of Creation. There just ain't nothing better than revelation. It will take me a life time to know myself and another one to reap the benefits of my discoveries. Chrystal Ellis.
If I did not know the Creator for myself, what people have taught me and what I have experienced from those who say they are his, would leave me aloof. The Creator I know, it is humankind that blows the mind.
If you do not believe in yourself you will go around aimlessly believing in people who think they have it together. Believe in You.
Ayyyyy, the essence of Life what a beautiful thing.
Today focus on those things that enhance your life, feed your spirit and satisfy your needs. Remember it is all relative anyway.
Confident" Freethinkers speak their mind". Conditioned people speak the mind of those who trained them!
The most wonderful part of my day is that I was blessed to wake up and write this comment!
Another wonderful day on Earth, I wonder what truths will be discovered today! It would be good if all of a sudden "Unconditional Love" would become a virus. Hey God, you Cool with that?
My predilection for God has nothing to do with what I have been taught.
I wonder what would happen if the Holy Spirit issued a mandate to all the Mega Churches telling their leaders they must give half their amassed wealth back to their adherents. (I wonder how many would really do exactly that?) I also wonder how many would say the Devil visited them and tried to rob them? Give Back or Rob which one would it be.
God I know, it is humankind I am constantly trying to understand.
There is no way I believe that everything, we religiously do has anything to do with how much God loves us.
With what I have studied and seen Religion is God's Pimp.
The trouble with religion is that those who tend to judge and lead are usually infected with every vice they preach against.
Unconditional Love is the ultimate gift from our Creator and the final test of our manifested existence. I am trying to get an A, so much love and light to all my family, friends. Pass is on!
The tranquility that love offers can surpass the disruptions that obstacles bring your way. (Never let em see ya sweat)!
Yes, I am smiling :)! Cause the world did not give it to me and thank God the world can not take it away if they had I would have been annihilated. Thanks to Great Spirit I am still here.
One more day. So I will actively make decisions and interact with others in a manner that lets God know how grateful I am for allowing me just one more day
Do not immolate your life for someone else's dream.
The most powerful anesthetic to combat hate, is Love. So next time someone is hating on you rub a little love on em.
I am feeling so much love today, it is hard to stay Earth Bound, feel like soaring with the Angels. It's a bird, no it's a plan, nope it's just Chrystal kicking it with the Angels. You know...
When will humankind realize that color is just a skin pigmentation, it has nothing to do with what is in a persons heart. I try to be as color blind as possible.
I make a conscious effort in knowing that what I send out I will get back. That is why I think positive and send out true blessings as much as possible.
People should never bless someone as a rebuttal, it nullifies the purpose of what a blessing is for.
I hope that by some strange happen stance someone gets blessed today before the collection plate passes.
I am so amazed at how willing many people are to make derogatory statements about others. I keep forgetting how primitive humankind still is.
Of course I am releasing the past most of it is full of pain and let downs who wants to live life like that. Not me. Forgiveness is healing
The only reason people doubt God is because they listen to how others interpret his love. Experience the Love of God for yourself. Please. You will never be fooled again.
Remember LOVE is an ACTION word. Saying it and showing it is are two entirely different methods of expression and they are not equal in effect.
I have been making several observations and one is that I noticed, People who are judged the most judge the Most.
There is never a reason to hold harm in your heart against those who have mistreated you in the past. Release the heart attack.
Chrystal Ellis
Many have said they have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, I have been redeemed by the Life of Christ. It is one of the examples I choose to follow.
There is a distinct difference between having faith in God and having faith in what man tells you about God.

Chrystal Ellis
The only thing I really want is to see the real Christ come back, so that every one can see one of personalities of God in action. I will not allow any mans interpretation of God over rule my personal relationship with the Creator..
I have no fear of the world ending on tomorrow I have a personal relationship with God, I hope everybody else does. You know just in case O_O
I would rather compliment people on their accomplishments than throw up their failures.
I wonder if people who make fun of how others dress, or look take the time to look in the mirror. If they did they would be quite.
The easiest thing on Earth to do is to gain control of your life. The hardest thing is to realize that you actually can.
If you spend your time worrying about your situation you will not focus on changing it. Chrystal Ellis
Not by fate but by design
Be careful of who says they got your back, sometimes they are the ones with the knife in it. Just a word of wisdom. Chrystal Ellis
For you to be in a position of judgment nullify your goodness, for the good do not think so highly of themselves as to judge others. For they realized that both goodness and and badness are both relative. Chrystal Ellis
Love like anything else is an acquired taste.
There has never been a time in my life when I needed God and He did not show up so if you believe what are you really trying to worry about. HUH.
Most people concentrate on detoxifying the body. Detox the mind and the body will line up.
I have never denounced anyone's method of reaching God. It is just that I do not need to hear another mans interpretation on what I need to do or be to be accepted by God. Ain't no shame in my Game God I love but how men have pimped him is another issue entirely.
If you constantly allow negative thoughts rule your thinking how do you expect to be healed. Remember "By your Faith you are HEALED" By your Faith. So have faith. I know it works. I really do!!!!!!
Phonies are like knock offs, they seem authentic but if you look close enough you can see they are not the real thing.
Since it is obvious that God loves variety, I bet He just might accept the diversity of worship, praise and meditative connection. Hmmmmm
Nothing is more beautiful than the loving smile of a child, I mean nothing.
Based on all evidence I have witnessed there is a God, but he is not defined by man's interpretation and that is why I chose to have a personal relationship with him , so if I am wrong I can not blame anyone else for leading me astray.
When I was young other people taught me about what they thought God was, as I matured I realized how personal God is to each person, God I know it is man that I am still trying to understand
You will know when you have a real friend, if they are still there for you during the storm and offer to help clean up after the storm count it all joy you probably have a winner.:)
When you build bridges of love it is easier to walk back across them when you need to.
The only reason people put others down is because they never take time to look in the mirror of life and self-reflect. Hmmmmm
Sometimes when everything seems to be coming down on you, get quite and listen to that small voice that says, "everything will be alright" then believe it.!
Love of God has carried me through every trial and test and the Grace of God delivered me and the Mercy of God has allowed me the option to repent and you ask me why I love God. HMMMMMMMM!
Power is acquired through self-confidence, so just be a little selfish today.
The one thing that is lacking with humans is this thing called unconditional love, so far all of the love I have been hearing about comes with one condition or another and most of the conditions are selfish.
Placing others ahead of yourself is a good thing, just don't end up last at the finish line of life.
If it were not for the love of God I could not understand , if it were not for the power of God I would not stand tall , and if it were not for the hand of God touching my life I would not be able to recognize when I am being tested. So by mercy and grace I will understand that holding his hand will help me stand while I pass this test called life. Chrystal Ellis.
I just believe in my heart that God loves variety.
The solution to negative influences is positive affirmations. So you think it so you be it. :)
When I think of how far I have come, I just laugh at the struggles and thank God for the stamina and divine grace that got me there. Happy New Year
There is really never a reason to hate if you have learned the art of forgiveness.
If you think about the process of life it might confuse you but if you live life it will intrigue you. Live Life and Love it.
If you do not write your own history, do not get angry when someone else writes it for you.
Dealing with friends is one thing, but an associate with an attitude is just not necessary
I have cried tears enough to flood the River Nile , but I had no idea that God would turn them into sweet rains from heaven and shower me with blessings.
You will always have conflict with man when you listen to God. Love is a terrible thing to waste so be sure to give it as much as you can.
Many people who have faced heart break run away from love. I choose to embrace the possibility. :)
A state of mind is a consciousness in action.
Lord deliver me not into the hands of haughty men, for in them there is no help for me. God said, " if I deliver you into their hands they will never be the same again for I Am that I Am.
I am the small voice you hear whispering in the wind constantly reminding you to Know Thy Self.... Know thy Self
As long as I have breath I will get up, and as long as I get up I will take one step at a time and as long as I take one step at a time I will finish the race. Never ever give up.
As long as I have breath I will get up, and as long as I get up I will take one step at a time and as long as I take one step at a time I will finish the race. Never ever give up.
I refuse to allow another person's ego infringe on my spiritual integrity, but I must admit it is hard sometimes.
One difference between man and God is God takes your sins and throws them in His sea of forgetfulness. and man throws them up in your face every chance they get!! Hummmmm
You give your power away when you react out of anger, stop, drop and pray let God put out the fires in your life.
If you want to know who you are really dealing with take time and listen, you will find out all you need to know. Just listen.
A little power corrupts only those who have never had control of anything in their life. People who have learned to execute self control have little use for executing power over others.
Some people say you must suffer before you are blessed, I say you are truly blessed when suffering was not an option.
Create your day before you leave home. Have an incredible day forever. Chrystal Ellis
Humility is the first Divine Step towards freeing the Spirit from the influence of ego and arrogance. Chrystal Ellis
Never give up even when it seems as if you can not take another step, crawl.
It is better to move when being blessed, rather than to stand still and be stressed.
A man who lived a good life in another part of the world who was raised to be a Hindu dies and goes to heaven. When he gets to the gates Jesus is standing there. Man says I never knew you while I was on Earth. Jesus replies "Please to meet you come on in. Hummmmmmmmmmmm
When you walk in Love all the puddles you may step in on the Road of Life are just opportunities to wash away the past hurts that try and stick to the bottom of your feet Chrystal Ellis
Woke up in prayer this morning, slipped off into meditation, heard the voice of God, so if I do not have a good day it is because I did not pay attention to what God told me. Since I have learned to be obedient. This will be one of the best days of my life. Hope you have one more blessed than mine. It feels good to know that you are loved.
Every time I gave my heart to man, I had to call on God to repair it. Once I gave my heart to God he commanded me to share it.
The old saying "you are what you eat" stands true for "you are what you think". So think of love, peace, happiness and watch it shows up.
Since God has granted you the ability to speak, why not speak well of others and encourage each person to do there best. Therefore, you will not have to watch what you say or who you say it in front of. Chrystal Ellis
I close my fist and hold my blessings tight, I will smother my gifts. If
I open my hand and share my blessings freely they will flow through the
Universe of Love and multiply thought out eternity.
If you meet a man who brings back good memories and make you smile consider it a blessing from God. If you meet a man who brings back bad memories and cause you to frown consider it an opportunity to introduce him to the goodness of GOD!!!
Every time I look back and think about every thing that did happen, I say " It could be worse" then I walk off smiling with an assurance of God's love for me. Ha. Yeap it could have been worse.
The only contact I want to have with hate is passing it by on my way to love.
Chrystal Ellis
Oh my, God loves variety. Remember that the next time you judge.
If I always think about how bad everything was, I will miss how good everything is.
So as I was pondering about forgiveness, love, charity, long suffering, patience, and virtue I thought how far away human kind was from divinity and how sinful and cruel humankind had become. Then I stopped for a moment to self reflect, I found out that self reflection is the best cure for a sometimes self righteous mindset. Hummmm
So if God were to ask me what have I learned in these 55 years, I would simply answer "Only to Trust You" and give love freely.
Love is like a natural instinct, you either have it our you do not.
The only way to successfully live in peace is to be at peace.
If we only knew the true power of words, remember everything that exist was spoken into existence. Hummmmmmm!
Kindness, words or encouragement, and speaking those things that edify Love will always out last negativity. So why not just be that way you will feel better.
Thank you is a powerful statement it simply shows gratitude, we always thank others, so why not take time to thank yourself, take a walk, get a massage, just stop for a second and see if you can find five things to thank yourself for, it is not as easy as it may seem :).
Love is an action word! Love is an action word! Saying it over and over sounds good, but Love is an action word!
Most people who judge others take very little time for self reflection
The only thing that feels better than loving yourself is sharing it with someone else.
Just remember that anything that can be bought, will always be for sale to the highest bidder.
I may not see God as you see God but I see Gd.
There is nothing more amazing than coming to the realization that you are Spirit having a human experience.
I am not special, I am just free
The only way your enemy wins is if you allow them to knock you off center, I do not know about you but I refuse to give anyone that amount of power over me, ignore the ____________!
There is no better feeling in the world than to know something you said may have brought a ray of sunshine into someone's life, so it is a good idea to consciously speak those words that bring light and love, they flow like ripples through water and bounce right back to you!!!! (Selfish huh)!!!!
May the Gentle winds of sweet delights blow though your life, may peace and happiness run you down and may Love be expressed in everything you do.
Peace like love is something that we all deserve, so if something is disturbing your Peace, check it, it may not be something or someone you really need at this time. (Message)!!!
If you loose a friend you can get another one, if you loose a house you can buy another one, if you loose your job you can get another one, but once you have lost your Virtue it is gone like the wind.
If you tell me you are a Christian, I believe you, If you tell me you are a practicing Jew, I believe you, If you tell me you are a Muslim, I believe you, If you tell me you are a Buddhist, I believe you; whatever you tell me you are I believe you, then I watch your actions and come to the conclusion that you are telling me the absolute truth.
Never by-pass an opportunity to give good solid advice, you just might change a life. Just remember to say unto others as you would say to your own children. Share the love. Chrystal Ellis.
Truth like morals is a matter of opinion.
The more you tear me down the harder I pray, the harder I pray the more blessings I get thanks for the encouragement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would rather someone come out and tell me something rather than throw hints and let me walk into a brick wall. Chrystal Ellis
Each day requires thanksgiving, so today I would like to thank all my enemies. They proved to me that God will protect you in the mist of a trial. He will shelter your heart and mend it after it has been broken and he will lift you up ...before all who tried to harm you. So thank you, without the trials you placed in my life I would have never gotten this close to God. Booyah!!!
Never mind what has been said about you, walk a path of self awareness and continue to grow.
Do not be angry at those who are not willing to share information that might help you out, most of them are very insecure and fearful that you want what they have. So in love understand their position, it will keep you motivated in the right direction.
It is the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living that causes me to marvel at the compassion of the Great Creator.
I am no Saint, I am no Prophet, I am simply an expression of God's Love and I will share that with you freely, freely. God never charged me for Grace and Mercy.
Chrystal Ellis
One day I was buried deep in regret and sorry, eyes full of tear and my heart filled with pain, and then out of know where someone touched my hand and I knew it was the Lord. I have never been the same, it was Jesus that held my hand unconditionally, unconditionally.
If i harm you, I harm me. If I love you, I love me. If i take from you, I take from me, never do anything to anyone that you would not want done to you. Remember the circle is round and for every action there is a reaction. I don't know about you but i prefer BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!
Life is a consciousness, Love is a consciousness, freedom is the ultimate reality of the soul. You can never be free until you accept who you are. Why not live your life consciously by freely loving who you are.
I'd rather fly with the eagles than to be a toilet for the pigeons.
Never let another person's state of being define who you really are. Most people are confused anyway. Be yourself and soar with the Eagles.
If you work with the intent to please man you will fail every time, if you work as an honor to your higher power you will reap the benefits if Divine Grace.
Without challenge how can we try the Graces of God? So with each challenge expect a new Grace. Chrystal Ellis
The greatest discovery we can ever make is to discover who we really are and accept it with love. I know I love me some me. I hope you love you some you.
If you have just one moment to think, think positive the results are phenomenal.
Why do we always try to prove we are worthy to people full of faults?Hmmm
Chrystal Ellis
A smile is the deadliest weapon alive it can either confuse your enemy or allow you to get close enough to them to defuse them. Either way it is beneficial to you, so smile in the face of adversity.
Silence is golden but speaking you mind is revolutionary.
Chrystal Ellis.
Never accept another man's opinion on how you should serve God. Remember it is better to be judged by God than accepted by man. Last time I spoke to God he told me I will speak to you through the wispers of the wind if you just pay attention. Chrystal Ellis
There are three signs of a confident person, love they self, respect thy self and pass it on to others.
The biggest mistake we make is going back to correct mistakes from the past.
Saddest thing I have ever seen is a non-conformist trying to conform.
Chrystal Ellis.
Based on what I have seen the only true beauty is expressed in the smile of a child.Chrystal Ellis
Why get angry because you settled for the
illusion of beauty, only to find out that it was monster in a pretty
package. If you had only listened you would have realized that was a one
night stand; before you put a ring on that hand. Chrystal Ellis
When you hear someone taking about what they won't do or what they will not take, follow them home and observe before you take their advice. You will probably find no one there or you will realize the only person that is listening to them is you. It is easy to tell someone what you won't do if you are not in their position. Chrystal Ellis
The greatest delusion that ever was is self righteousness.
Chrystal Ellis
If you believe in nothing that is your choice, if you believe in God that is your choice the object of the game is to get you to BELIEVE. Chrystal Ellis
If you always are having to watch your back, maybe you need to check yourself. Chrystal Ellis
Chrystal Ellis
True greatness is defined by how well you lived your life; not by how much money you have acquired
Confront the enemy, then let them watch your back as you walk away one step ahead of em. Chrystal Ellis
How can you teach the truth to others when you constantly preach doctrines
of deception? Right and wrong, good and bad are all relative.
How can you teach the truth to others when you constantly preach doctrines of deception? Right and wrong, good and bad are all relative.
Chrystal Ellis
Life is a Consciousness, Love is an Awareness and Prosperity is a Goal.
Chrystal Ellis
Now that you know life, live it , now that you know God receive Him, now that you know Love, give it. Chrystal Ellis
It is better to share a moment of wisdom and build bridges of success, rather than spread gossip and become stagnated in lifes cesspools of destruction. Chrystal Ellis
When the truth is obvious, you do not need anyone eles's opinion.
Chrystal Ellis
Life may not always be easy but joy is a state of mind and peace is what you gain, when you realize you are never alone. Chrystal Ellis
Before you believe in anything else believe in yourself .
Peace only comes when you are connected to the heartbeat of love.
Chrystal Ellis
Patience may be a virtue, but stepping out takes courage.
Chrystal Ellis.
If you receive all the financial wealth that the world has to offer and never experience true love you are an emotional a pauper,because you have to buy something that is meant to be given freely. Chrystal Ellis
The images you create will define who you are; so why not create something positive.
By Chrystal Ellis.
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on
others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Constant Criticism of others is mostly the
self-reflections of an unfulfilled life .
If you let someone else's opinion define you then you have already given them the power to direct you. So do not complain when only one person benefits from the relationship.
Take all of your pains, pressures and discouragements use them to fertilize the gardens of Love, then water them with faith and watch how you will grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Chrystal Ellis
When life seem to complicated just start laughing.
The truth is we believe what we are taught to believe not what we know to be true. This world is an illusion of the Spirit.
When faced with challenges stand up and fight, through tears fight, through minor set backs fight, through discouragement fight, but never let them see you sweat and when you look behind you, you will notice that God has sent you an army. That is when you realize He never sends you into to battle alone. Fight!
I am somebody it is not my fault you do not recognize that. It really isn't. Peace
Chrystal Ellis
I need no man to teach me his interpretation of God, I know him personally. It is not that I reject anyones’ teachings, it is just that I am aware of human flaws. A personal relationship with God never fails.
My intention is to spread joy, my mission is to tell the truth, but my goal is to please God.
When your enemy is still trying to hurt you by use of malicious comments or deeds, remember how it was before you became enlightened and laugh, then thank God you have been redeemed.
Never meet a human that God did not love. Just humans that designate how God's love is distributed.
I have nothing against weave, make-up or anything eles that we use to ehance our beauty. But nothing, absolutely nothing takes the place of natural beauty.
Do not get angry when you pick up trash and it gets in our eyes. Some things are better left alone.
God I know, it is humankind that I must learn.
Each time you think of a reason to cry think of a reason to smile, each time you think of a reason to hate, think of a reason to love, each time you think of a reason to doubt, have faith and watch God work it out.
If you have no regrets from your past, then nothing that happend back then should hurt you. Remember focusing on past regrets, stops the progress of the future. Rememeber it just don't live it. Life is good when you allow yourself to live. I am having a ball.
Dream yall. Dreams are the mind's ways of fantasizing about the posibilities of life. Embrace your dreams.
Chrystal Ellis
If you believe in love, give it, if you believe in life, live it and if you believe in truth, speak it.
If you listen you will hear God, I you wait you will meet God, If you pray you will Touch God.
I am still trying to find out how a creature that God made can be lost.
Behind every good deed is a well thought out intention.
Let's end this day in love and remember that even in perfection there is room for improvement.
Sometimes we need a book or some inspirational speech to lead us in the right direction, but following the path of Love never fails.
People who lift people up have strong self-confidence. People who tear people down usually have low self- esteme themselves so why listen to them.
Sometimes we seek advice from those we know will lie to us, simply because it make us feel better about the truth we already know. Hummm, that is why they make banaids, they do not heal the wound they just covers it up for a while. Eventually you have to remove them so the wound can catch air and heal the right way.
It is never to late to correct a misunderstood intention.
Chrystal Ellis
I refuse to speak unless it is the truth so be careful what you ask me.
Our deepest regrets become our greatest desires.
When you wake up full of joy, with the understanding that it was a blessing to have opened your eyes, it seems as if you have discovered the Tree of Life.
So somedays are full of sunshine, some are full of raindrops, somedays are just gray, but in it all if you just believe you will appreciate each one of them and give God thanks for seeing you through. My best days are when I reach out, look up and see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living and remember where he bought me from. Have a GREAT DAY YALL.
Frieinds are made Family just come with the package.
Complaining about what you don't have causes one to overlook what they do have.
When someone ask you for your opinion about their life, do not comment. Most of the time they only want you to agree with how they are living it.
People judge what you do through their eyes, but they can not see your heart. So live your life and live it well, remember most of us have tunnel vision.
When you work as a team you can COMPETE with other TEAMS. When your TEAM begans to function as one collaborative UNIT. You defeat your OPPOSITION!!!!!!
Chrystal Ellis
I woke up so that means I have been blessed with another day of life, Now lets see how I can help improve our quality of life here on Earth.
Took one moment to pray and realized all that everthing that was bothering me happened YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!
If you concentrate on error, you can not correct the pattern that caused it.
So when love speaks to your heart and you are silent how will it ever know your answer. Speak Up!
When ever time permits tell somebody something good most of the time they already know the bad.
There is always a need to send positive affirmations. I starts by waking up acknowledging you are blessed because you saw another day. Never let them see you sweat.
Since today is tomorrow's past, do something that will leave a good memory, so when you look back you will see nothing but favor, favor favor.
If you have one life to live, one heart to give., and one soul to set free, it would be a good idea to get to know that MAN who died on a tree.
Our quixotic existence in the universe parallels us to the thoughts that make up worlds. Whether we create an idealistic philosophy as rulers or the unpredictable’s of Murphy’s Law to determine our quality of life, either way we make the final decision to stand or not. Chrystal Ellis.
How many times have you heard someone say I love you with the love of Christ and there was no visible evidence to confirm it.
A goal is a reason to achieve, a plan is a reason to act, but when you compromise either of them you stagnate your own progression.
Another day another dollar but the taxes they took just made me holler!!!! Corney but oh so true.
You can never finish this race called life if you keep looking back at the starting line.
Self confidence is the ability to love yourself unconditionally, and the capability to share it with others without expecting anything in return.
If you forget your ancestors you forget your history. Remember those who cut a path for you. Honor their efforts by just remembering their good works.
It is always a well thought out plan of forgiveness that overrides an intentional offense. Chrystal Ellis
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