Sunday, July 31, 2011

Forty Acres and Mule

Forty acres and a mule, a phrase you used like a tool to make your brother and sisters  out of fools.(1/5 human animal and the other not determined).   
You know the ones,   you used them to plow your field and warm your beds.  The ones you set free, only to return them to share cropper slavery.  
Instead of giving them money to start a new life, you promised them forty acres, a mule and their wife. 
You saw that big sambo smile on your brother’s face, when you promised him a mule and forty acres worth of space.
Cunningly, executing a system of repression and social genocide, to keep them forever imprisoned, forcing them to abide.
Rendering them aloof of their economic ability.
If this were not so profitable, we might would render this as an  act of  cruelty.   
 (Slavery wearing the suit of freedom, as indentured servants held captive by rules that were not created to protect them, but ones they must adhere too)  
Now let’s get or mission back on track, if we keep them poor they won’t recognize lack.
We will lease them the forty acres and we will let them share crop.  (Snicker snicker)
We will sell them the mule for twice price and to be sure, we are paid; we will take our fee off the top.
Hell since most of them can’t’ count we will charge them double twice.  
We will encourage them not to stop, by telling them one day they will  OWN  the whole crop. (Snicker snicker).
We will keep them working in the fields of life both day and night. We will tell em lies about one another, make em fight.
If we don’t  give up our plight, we just might be able to convince them our interpretation of slavery is right.
The  last thing we need for them to do is develop the will to come together and fight.
If we keep them working hard for that forty acres, they will forget about school. We got to keep them ignorant or we can’t effectively rule.
We don’t need them taking time to read, let’s just keep em Hypnotized by greed.  Then we will   keep our foot on their backs, scaring their integrity, while profiting from their lack. .    
THEM!  Reading, a book, na how hell would that make us look.  We’ll  tell em  how good they can  dance   and  cook. But we must be sure we teach them  passages from our Good Book! (Big Smile).
Make them think it was their idea, give them shinny things that sparkle and bling. It worked on Shaka and it still works on some of their Queens.
Let them have fun sometimes and sing. But be sure they see us as  the image of  their heavenly King.
Definitely  teach them to submit, or they will question us and start some shit.
And when some young smart ass comes  along informed and free teaching them about their history. We will tell em his is their enemy.  Then, we will let them nail his ass to a   tree.
Listen for this guys he is shrewd you see, telling em pursue their dreams and  encouraging them not to quite.
Hell, he will expose all our  shit. Telling the truth and  educating the youth.
They will write us up in their history books as being cunning and cruel.
Ignore that shit they just pissed off because We Rule.
In reality, they need to be mad at themselves, sitting on stool in the cotton field of life, betraying one another and looking cool.
Trying to blame us because they sat around  waiting for forty acres and a Got Damn MULE!
“Promise Kept”
 (Spell Conditioned)! (Most of them will ignore that informed brother, the truth is hard to handle when you have been conditioned to believe your oppressor’ interpretation of you is right).
Reparations for humans treated as trained animals by their Masters. NONE!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Is that wish craft you are practicing?

Is that wish craft you are practicing?
I need to know what it is you mean; when you say; I wish that she don’t  make it today.
When you say I wish she loses her house.
I wish her husband leaves her.
I wish she loses her job.
I wish she loses her car.
I wish she would just give up.
I wish she would die.
I wish she would fall.
I wish she never ever gets up.
I wish she goes to hell. 
I wish she does not win.
I wish her hair falls out.
I wish her skin would peal.
I wish she never ever heals.
I wish she would go blind.
I wish she has an accident.
I wish she loses her got damn  mind.
I wish no one never ever treats her kind.
I wish she were never born. 
Is that wish craft  you are practicing.  
Of course, you are not hoping someone else fails to prove how holy  and righteous you are.
In seven days, a man will leave his home and move in with you? I really wish he does, cause he will do to you what he did to his wife.
Sounds like that wishful thinking is working for you.
I am sorry, I must be mistaken you are a Christian you would not deliberately sin.   
But then again you have God on your side in his word you say you abide. After,  years of fornication and adultery with another woman’s husband, are  you tired and need to see proof of your service to God. Is that why  you issued a decree giving the Holy Spirit  seven days to make him move in with thee?

Guess it must be hard sleeping in another woman's house and eating her food while she working hard to provide for your husband to be. What is the rush baby on the way or are you just tired of playing the roll of a holy whore.  Isn’t patience a gift of the spirit wait on him my friend he go be moving in.
Yall say witchcraft is allowing Lucifer to step in and of course, that is not the way of a Christian.(child molestation, adultery, boastfulness , love of money, prejudice, condemning, mind manipulation, selfish intent, and an exclusive country club in heaven that only allows in those that believe like you to come in)
I know you probably did not know that Wish Craft was a sin.
But looks like you are a Wish Craft practicing Christian.
Either way is goes aren’t you openly committing sin. Never mind, I am told   that it is okay if you have an insurance policy to kick in.
I am asking you because, of course I would not know, I am the  heathen you wished God would do in.  
Seems, like the clothes you picked for me, fits you much better. I wish for you everything that you wished for me. That reaping and sowing goes both ways you know, opps, you had better answer your door Jesus is knocking, he is just stopping by to let you know he has been judging your heart like you have been judging mine.  To late to change now you are out of time. You should have been practicing Love Craft then the author of it would have recognized you as His own. Don't worry though the place you built in hell for me is waiting with open arms to receive thee.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Love of a Soul Mate

What it would be like for me to love you? 
First thing I would do, is allow my spirit to penetrate your mind. 
Then your heart I would start to unwind. 
I would hold your inner most secrets in my mind.  
I would console your sorrows with my tears. 
I would rock you in my arms of compassion.
I would make your body spiritually procreate a love that is supernatural. 
I would make each kiss supernatural bliss.
As our heart hold each other where our spirits abide; not one of your passionate wishes would be denied. 
You could have confidence in me.
For you are the only one that my heart would see.
I am yours spirit and body. 
You would not have to buy me with trinkets and toys.
Just show me, you Love me, and I will be yours.  
I would be ready each waking minute for you to take me. 
With Kisses taste like your favorite fruit, and flavors that last an eternity, your eyes would only want to see me.  
My hair would smell of your favorite perfume; as its’ amorous  fragrance would scent our room.
Yes, that is what it would be like for me to love you.  
Is that what you imagine too?   
Something beyond this physical thing, this is supernatural love , the kind that is strictly a gift from above. 
If only I had the wings of a dove, I would fly you to heaven, and bath you under the waterfalls of seduction and hurriedly point you straight in my direction.   
It seems you are moving kinda slow, but that is okay, I can wait for true love to flow.  
I will be maintained until it is time for you to come through. 
No other man’s touch will defile this pallet of Love; for each night, I spiritually embrace only you. 
I am excited just thinking about you. 
Sometimes when I am, alone I imagine your touch. Thinking about how unbelievable it will be each and every time that you will make LOVE to me. 
I love you just that much; I can only fathom that your touch, will crush the lonely panting of my delicate heart.  Did you feel what was happening to me as I wrote this for you?
Did you feel the knees of my existence buckle?
Did you feel the intense passion that exploded in my Universe?  
Did I just stimulate the libido of your mind too? 
Did you sense my need, will you command my soul, and will you gently stroke away the broken passages this unfinished book..  
Can you promise that I will always be able to tell you love me, by your Kiss? 
This is not just an ordinary  Love  that I speak of,  it is Supernatural Bliss.
You can call me now, I am ready to date.

Blood Transfussion

What is the difference between you and me? 
You are a Gentile and I am a Jew.
Your skin is light and mine is dark.
Your hair is straight and fine, mine is course and curly.
You are old and I am young.
You are thin. I have a full physique.
You live on a street.
I live on Park Avenue.
You were clothes that are sleek and sheik.  
I wear torn blue jeans full of streaks.
You only eat vegetables and I like some meat.
You bully your way and I am meek.
You use the thesaurus when you speak and I make it plain.
You like coffee and I like tea. 
What is the difference between you and me? 
Does it take a Blood transfusion for you to see, there is no difference between you and me.

Make Me Whole Again

Make me whole again.
Make me whole again.
My dear and precious friend, make me whole again.  
I need my arms and legs to swim. 
Make me whole again I have no lovin kin. 
I am without a true friend.
I never thought that I would in this state living alone,  without my mate. 
I had planned to live with him until death do we part.
I think that is why the trouble had to start. 
I made him my king and gave him everything.
I never knew that he could be so mean.
He laughed at me,  and told me that I was really never on his team.
The best I could do for him was to clean. 
I made a mean man my king. 
Make me whole again my dear and precious friend. 
They thought that my life was peachie keen.
They thought, I thought,  that I had everything.
They laughed at me because he was so very mean. 
I made a mean man my king. 
I did not see it coming I was hit on both sides.
One day I tried to raise my arms and I realized they were not there.
I tried to get up one  morning and my legs were gone too. 
Make me whole again for without my legs and arms I do not know what to do. 
I looked in the faces of those who knew.
I wanted compassion from them, I wanted to feel that they had human integrity,  but all I saw was the smirks on their faces and heard them say that was good for me.
With their condemning eyes they mutilated my arms and legs in different places. 
I saw them smile as if they had enjoyed a fancy meal. While throwing those poisonous darts at my crusty  bruised and battered heels.
I saw them smile at all my pain,  as I screamed to heaven and said, “Oh Lord please make me whole again.” See these self professed Saint, did not think God would hear a creature like me”. So their response to that was. “Keep on looking up and screaming and see what you get”.  They were really in my shit.   
They tore my limbs off me, like they were pruning a tree. 
See, I was really suffering then, battling for my life, held down by strife, enemy had me under the knife and I thought I was somebody’s wife!  
As my enemy murdered me with their smirks and their smiles, while self-righteously discussing me and making fun of all my trials, while, “Following precepts of the consciousness of Love.” (sarcasm).
I began to cry until I was blind, they tripped me then, cause they knew I could not see.  
I almost lost all love for humanity. 
While I was left all alone dying from grief, God sent me that man from Galilee.
He came to see about this criticized and tortured soul;  He had heard all the lies and the stories that had been told.  One glance and I knew right then, that He was the only one that heard my cry. The scriptures said, for me He had already died.  He was there to make me whole!  (Big Smile).
He lifted me high before the throne, so close I could hear Elijah preaching about them dry bones.
He replaced my arms and legs, and opened up my blinded  eyes.
He  healed me from a grievous wound!  He rebooted my heart! He blew the breath of Love in me;  and that is when  I  became whole again! ( I got a second chance, one more dance, and I Am, in all that Is in this Universe, a soul redeemed by Love! Just because, ( long pause) I keep on looking Above!)  I hope he does the same for you.  See,  I am not torn apart no mo,  I don’t have my mate,  but I got Jesus fa sho!