Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Prayer PimpimnPostulate of the Truth

Prayer Pimpin Postulate of The Truth
Stealing our wealth destroying, discouraging, disfiguring, and molesting the hopes and dreams of our youth.
Telling them lies and forcing them to believe it is the truth.
Churches on ever corner connected by blocks with 100% crime rate.
Collection plates filled with silver and gold bartering the integrity of their adherents souls.
Prayer Pimpin Postulates of The Truth
Using the word GOD like a john using a prostitute. Receiving rewards of the harlot’s hard earned money, blessing in it His name and calling it favor.
Taking advantage of our fear of hell just so you can live well. Using the gospel as some kind of spell. Jump up, sit down, turn to your neighbor tell em  what you say, cause the Holy Ghost has told you,  to tell them what to do. Of course the Holy Spirit would not talk to us too. You are anointed that is why you must  wear a 5,000.00 suit.
I heard you say God told you there were 100 people who needed to pledge a thousand or too, you got a Benz and your wife needs one too.
Mentally encroaching our connection to divinity, with a teaspoon of hope, a tablespoon of faith and brand new car to prove His  grace.
Prayer Pimpin Postulates of the truth discouraging the spiritual affections of our youth.
Pimps in the Pulpit preaching selected sermons, so that their prostitutes won’t quite.
Some are men and some are women it does not matter to the Prayer Preaching Pimp.
Prayer Pimpin Postulates of the Truth stealin the future from our Youths, feeding them the Word of God laced with selfish intentions, misusing their innocence while abusing their minds.
Using the Word of GOD to justify why, they must do as they are told and not leave this unfair fold.
Callin on the name of God while collecting the products of his childrens' labor.
Teaching people to steal each others gifts, because you need a golden pulpit.
Never truly exampling the precepts of love, because that means you really would have a store house for widows and the poor, instead, you blessed the deeds of the well paid whore. She just donated enough money to put in that glass floor. You know the one that looks like Johns' crystal sea. It does not matter if she is good at heart she just dropped in enough money to make your collection plate fart.
Preaching against people’s sexuality, while hiding young boys in your cars back seat.(Fresh Meat)
Deliberately, creating separation in the house of God, while walking with your nose turned up like you are the Lord.
Devastating and immobilizing your community, keeping people blind and hopeless living in poverty.
If I did not know God for myself I would have a church too, but you say that HE called you.
A six weeks course and a certificate to preach, I hope with all my heart that God comes to ordain you.
I know they say the church is the hospital for the sin sick, but all I see is pimps having their prostitutes turn them holy  tricks.

Self-righteous glares at those who are  not in your click, delivering blows of judgment with your better than blessed holy stick. Favor ain't fair but neither is this shit.
Oh yes, Prayer Pimpin Postulates of The Truth destroying the hopes and dreams of our youth. You stole the pleasure of my child losing his first tooth, his dollar ended up in your collection basket. Drug dealers shot him on the way to church. I can not even afford a descent casket.. Pimpin God destroying the truth and discouraging, our youth.
Workin hard to keep your cars, maintain your wealth, while leading Gods children into spiritual ill health.
Prayer Pimpin Postulates of The Truth, I want back every got damn dime that I  ever gave to you.
See mama is sick, daddy is unemployed, we have already pawned our Christmas toys. I bet we are just shit out of luck. What a price we had to pay just to be mind fucked.
(Religion is the Bastard child of God)!

Pimpin God

Chrystal Ellis

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