Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why is the Devil Crying???

“In order to fly successfully under the radar of human contempt, by no means look prosperous”
Chrystal Ellis.
What is wrong with the Devil??
(Why Is He Crying?)

There are certain events in life that just don’t add up. I know this because I have experienced circumstances that have been mind blowing to say the least. Of which I had no cognizant insights as to why they happened. The only logical explanation I had at the time was the same one the culprits of my tribulations used it was the Devil. ( Aww Hell). Most of the time we rely on what or parents, or authority figures tell us is the “right “thing to do, but is it really. Being a part of a society that has mastered the art of mass hypnosis, waking up can be an awful quandary. The tragedy about waking up is that most people you know will still be under the illusionary beliefs of those that put them to sleep. Not to mention once your perspectives have changed you will actually be the odd man out. From religious dogmas, to moral contentment we walk around as if we are obeying some great prophesy that has been placed in the hands of those who consider themselves the privileged, by divine directives. These self-made orators of divine insight claim that they will lead us to the gates of heaven or condemn us to the pits of perdition. Not to mention having us so confused about benevolence, spiritual awareness and educational integrity that we rely on the opinions and beliefs of those who, for no other reason than self –perseverance developed their own way of life to justify their means. (Mighty human of them).

Is it possible that we are living in an experimental lab and our creators are just watching to see how far we will progress? I find that easier to believe rather than to accept that one race of people has captured the entire world because they have something special. Because if that is the case, I realize that, I will be in slavery as long as I am on earth. Some say we are free, and for all intended purposes as opposed to the lives of our ancestors, we are. Nevertheless, if you are an American of African descent, you are in a system that has deliberately set aside jobs, activities, and religious practices that you subconsciously carried out without question; based on what the oppressors of your ancestors dictated as fair. I know slavery was a long time ago and I know that advancements have been made since then, that tend to infer that “we have overcome” but have we? I wish I could say that I am color- blind and God knows that would put me in a wonder ful place, but I would be lying. I do see color just like the rest of the world. I see color, I see over one third my male population in jail, designer corners with signs and wonders that delineate territories, drug addicts and prostitutes who have long since lost their since of pride and people who believe they have arrived, passing by them as if they don’t understand why they are in that condition. I see the imminent disadvantages of being black in America that have been inherited from generation to generation. One of the most debilitating forces in many communities is religion. I say this because we base many of our actions, interactions and lifestyles by the edicts of religious dogma. Notwithstanding its’ the obvious contributions to genocide, loss of identity and the rape of spiritual integrity, all done for the sake of “conversion”. Many of us run straight into the arms of our oppressors’ messages because we believe we must be SAVED. The hypnosis I spoke of earlier is not just for one sector of human society it stands to reason that most people are under its' influence. That is why people accept the dictates of social stratification so easily. Since I find the state of my people in dire need of study, I will concentrate on us for a minute. Speaking on any one else will be speculative anyway.

I remember reading the Bible and holding on to every word, letting it all soak into my soul, but I always had concerns about all the stories. They are all stories, verbal accounts of people’s interactions with God. Just like the ones that I have. Not saying that many were not true, but there were key phrases and terms used for maintaining control. For instance, be obedient, love our masters, pray for your enemies, give away our hard-earned money and respect men and women whose agendas were selfish and corrupt at their inception. Nevertheless, the repeated Sunday visits to church, vacation bible school, and BTU (Baptist Training Union) eventually takes its’ toll and we all give into that mass hypnosis that tells us we must obey. Obey, Obey, Obey and eventually it will pay off. (Bullshit) The people being paid are the ones delivering the message. The only thing that has changed for us is how we are enslaved in modern society. The enslavement we have now is in our minds.

First, understand that all things Black is evil, then start to change what you look like to imitate what you have been told is beautiful. Do not question why you should do as you are told, even if the person directing you is the poster child for “corruption”. This does not just go for color it also includes those who are homosexuals. I am still amazed at how a people who have been doomed to burn in an eternal hell can find comfort in many religious settings. Here is where lies make the difference, many have been so conditioned they believe that someday all of a sudden their natural instincts will modify to match religious edicts about their lifestyles. Sad but true. Am I the only person on earth that realizes that the Great Spirit who is responsible for creation does not give a damn about sexual preferences? (Unless you are raping little children). Opps, my bag, some cultures allow for this, you know eight year olds marrying grown men, and little babies being used as prostitutes for curious tourists, (Let me not get off track). My deductive reasoning does however think that this creator must care about color, in some way maybe. I say that because , it makes no sense to me that people who caused so much pain and suffering and became experts at stealing, should have the power to create and enforce economic and social genocide at their will (I am so sorry this is the truth I see). This is nothing new, but I do believe it is being forgotten. Of course having a few Americans of African descent with key positions would indicate, “We have overcome” (Not). That is just the stratagem of the powerful to suppress further investigations of the obvious inequalities that are present in modern societies.

Do we need rules? Yes. Does the system work? Yes. Is the system fair? Yes. It is fair for the ones it was designed to accommodate and protect. So what does that say for those who for no other reason than birth, is not a member of power elite color scheme. Well, I guess that means we are doomed to live on social and economic established plantations. As we patiently wait until Jesus burst through the sky and come back to pick us up, on His way to somewhere else. I say that because, if I were Jesus and someone had nailed me to a cross, literally skinned me alive and pimped the message I preached for gain I would not want to stay long, especially since crosses seem to be the things to wear or exhibit as a sign of religious sovereignty.

Can we possibly still truly believe that a Devil is making us do evil things? On the other hand, is the devil an excuse that humans use to justify why they have done so many bad things to each other? Was Hitler possessed by the Devil or was he just a miserable human being slightly retarded and ashamed of whom he was. Retardations come in many different forms. Were the southern plantations owners (Good southern Baptist/Catholic Priest) doing the work of the Devil or were they following God’s orders when then flayed humans, raped the men and women, hung babies on oak trees, or sodomized little boys and girls, after using them as foot stools (Cute). Well, seems okay to do these things if God gave ya his blessings and you were converted, out of fear and trembling. (Glad some people found this inappropriate, yeah for the Underground Railroad people Booyaah). I am aware of what was done, and I understand that it requires real power to implement a system whereby no matter how you look at it Caucasians are the privileged race. May as well admit it, so that you will realize exactly where you are and why.

It is hard to admit that your race was never meant to advance beyond the right-handed wills of the masters' whip. But, why do we accept it so willingly? Could it be, that guy, William Lynch is sitting around on some Universal Panel kicking up his heals owning bragging rights to his methods of conditioning. I bet he is. It worked, once we get partially educated we separate, once we obtain any type of comfort for living we separate, and god for bide if we are just born the right color. (That still is true too). We separate and then we destroy one another, willingly.
We have some mega churches that preach wealth to a culture that needs to realize its’ wealth is in its future. Our children are raised by images that indicate money is respect. Let us not forget those of us who have reached some form of status; sitting around fancy dinner tables discussing scholarships and never actually produce scholars. We teach our children how to fight each other but we rarely tell them how to love themselves. Then we wonder why they just do not listen anymore. It is because we are not saying anything, different from what they hear in the street. What is the difference between the pimp’s rant “bitch better make that money” or the holy message that states if you don’t bring your money to the alter you will not be blessed. These messages seem synonymous in their intent. The youth see us; and many of them are tired of being told what to think, while their privileged counterparts are being told how to think. They realize it is not what you do but how ya do it that matter. It’s okay to deal drugs if you inspire to get a yacht, own an airplane or several mansions. However, as we know very few of our corner pharmacists will ever reach that level, because death or incarceration is definitely in the cards for their future. Of course, we have been afforded some advantages, we do have nice cars, we keep our hair and nails done, we dress fly, and we have a house or apartment full of the best furniture. (We don’t have grass in our front yards, gotta have somewhere to park those cars). In addition, in our communities there are these empathic convenience stores that will sell us a single cigarette, a single pamper, a fried turkey wing and some potato wedges for a cheap price. (Thank you). These places are really nice they keep us from having to go too far to shop. The only problem with any of this is that none of the purchases we make support our economic strength. The truth is the powerful elitists that only feel benevolent when their bank accounts can afford them a new island or two, will pay the best of us off. Yes, they will pay ya off, because without money your words mean nothing, right. Who gives a damn about a poor man with nowhere to lay his head, walking around trying to enlighten people? Let me not forget to mention that these elitist do have hearts, because they are looking out for people in third world nations by outsourcing work so they can take care of their families. (Kudos). (There is a lot to say about the economic benevolence of the wealthy).

Why do we believe the hype? What makes us so docile that we accept our placement as some kind of divine adjudication for being civilized by the masters? This is not our fault it is mass hypnosis, a phenomenon that is capable of making one believe that they are born less, their natural instincts are of the devil and questioning is a sign that you have no faith in God. The truth is waking up is a mother, because you see everything as it really is. Not the relative functional delusions of an aggressor whose main purpose is to keep you under the microscope of moral scrutiny, in order to save your soul. But the hard fact that you are in a society that if not for the compassion of some participants of the dominate race, you would have been annihilated years ago. I miss segregation. At least I saw thriving businessmen, educational excellence and a since of ownership and community. That is what happens when people stick to gather and own their rights to exist (Every other race but ours).

I passed this guy one day as I was walking around the lake; he was crying his eyes out. I said, what is the matter? He looked up at me eyes all red and full of tears and said everything that is going wrong; I am being blamed for it. I said don’t worry about it people love to put there blame on others, it makes it easier for them carry out acts of deceit and hate. See most people are just as good as, they are bad, as right as they are wrong and in truth, it is relative. Most would like you to believe they are good by nature and when they commit selfish acts of debauchery against their neighbor, someone else has caused it, thereby passing the blame. He stopped crying, blew his nose, gave me a big hug, and started to smile. He had a beautiful smile and he was handsome as hell. Of course, name introduction was in order now. A fine sensitive man full of compassion concerned about how he was being misunderstood. Hallelujah, I may have just met Mr. Right. I said my name is Chrystal, free single and disengaged; he said my name is the Devil, pleased to meet you! 

“Please remember if you start to look to prosperous, your people will despise you and pull you down and your masters will find you in contempt of divine order.” Cynical HuH.
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